How to Sync Fleeting Notes with Obsidian

Fleeting NotesFleeting NotesFleeting Notes is a scratchpad for taking quick short-form notes on your phone or while browsing the web. In the context of Obsidian, it solves the problem of taking quick notes within Obsidian. What makes Fleeting Notes different from other short-form note-taking apps is its ability to build connections between notes and sync with Obsidian through an Obsidian plugin. is a separate network of notes outside of Obsidian. The goal of this plugin sync both these networks of notes into one! Below are step-by-step instructions on how to do this.

Also, checkout my youtube video if you like that format better.

Installation / Setup

  1. Before you begin, you'll need to create an account in the Fleeting Notes App. You can do this by navigating to the settings and registering. Fleeting Notes authentication form

  2. Go to Settings > Community Plugin and turn off the "Restricted mode". With this turned off, you can install the plugin to perform the sync. Install from Community Plugin

  3. Click "Browse" and search for "Fleeting Notes Sync" Browse Community Plugins fleeting-notes-sync-2.png

  4. Install the plugin and ensure you have it enabled Ensure Plugin Enabled

  5. Once enabled click "Fleeting Notes Sync" under Plugin Options > Fleeting Notes Sync. Under here, fill in your username, password, and desired folder location to sync your notes. Fleeting Notes Settings

  6. (Optional) Adjust sync settings:

    1. Toggle the "Sync notes on startup", to run the sync whenever Obsidian is opened.
    2. Adjust the sync typeMeaning of different sync types in Obsidian pluginPasted image 20230915104107.png One-Way Sync (FN → Obsidian) Description: This sync type allows for a one-way transfer of notes from Fleeting Notes to Obsidian. Any changes made in Obsidian will not be mirrored back in Fleeting Notes. Ideal for: Users who prefer a controlled sync process and do not intend to modify the Fleeting Notes folder post-sync. One-Way Sync with Deletion (FN → Obsidian) + Delete from FN Description: In addition to syncing notes from Fleeting Notes to Obsidian, this o to your needs
    3. Adjust note template to your needs (Note: metadata is needed for sync)
    4. Checkout how to keep your Obsidian wikilinks synced with Fleeting NotesHow to Sync Obsidian wikilinks into Fleeting Notes1. Install the Obsidian plugin (v0.5.2+) Browse Community Plugins 1. Go to the plugin settings and login to the account you setup within Fleeting Notes 1. Scroll to the bottom of the settings page and enable "Sync Obsidian [[links]] to Fleeting Notes" sync-obsidian-links.png 1. Once you've enabled it, in Fleeting Notes you should see a new note titled "Links from Obsidian" within the Fleeting Notes app. links-from-obsidian.png 1. Now whenever you type [[ , you will get the same link sug fleeting-notes-sync-8.png


  1. Now open the command palette and run Fleeting Notes: Pull All Notes from Fleeting Notes Open Command Palette

  2. Your notes will be synced with Fleeting Notes and you will get a notification! Sync Notification

Note: if you are keen on having offline only, you can also setup local file syncSetup Local File SyncNote: Local file sync is unavailable on the web due to browser restrictions and the recommended approach is with cloud sync. 1. Navigate to the app's settings by opening the drawer and clicking on "Settings". 1. Select a "Sync folder location". 1. Toggle the "Enabled" switch to turn on local sync. 1. (Optional) Adjust the "Sync type" and "Note template" to your liking. local-file-sync-settings.png instead

Next Steps

Now that you have your notes synced, see how I process my Fleeting NotesHow I take Fleeting Notes with ObsidianI get a lot of questions asking how I process Fleeting Notes once they land in Obsidian. There are many ways to approach this but here's the best method I found for myself. 1. Setup Obsidian sync with Fleeting Notes 1. Install the Obsidian Dataview plugin 1. Enable the Daily Notes plugin in the Obsidian settings (Also, check out how I use daily notes in Obsidian) 1. Create a template file for the daily notes, and add the path of the file to the Template file location 1. Here's the template I us and how to sync Obsidian links into Fleeting NotesHow to Sync Obsidian [[links]] into Fleeting Notes1. Install the Obsidian plugin (v0.5.2+) Browse Community Plugins 1. Go to the plugin settings and login to the account you setup within Fleeting Notes 1. Scroll to the bottom of the settings page and enable "Sync Obsidian [[links]] to Fleeting Notes" sync-obsidian-links.png 1. Once you've enabled it, in Fleeting Notes you should see a new note titled "Links from Obsidian" within the Fleeting Notes app. links-from-obsidian.png 1. Now whenever you type [[ , you will get the same link sug


How to Sync Obsidian wikilinks into Fleeting Notes1. Install the Obsidian plugin (v0.5.2+) Browse Community Plugins 1. Go to the plugin settings and login to the account you setup within Fleeting Notes 1. Scroll to the bottom of the settings page and enable "Sync Obsidian [[links]] to Fleeting Notes" sync-obsidian-links.png 1. Once you've enabled it, in Fleeting Notes you should see a new note titled "Links from Obsidian" within the Fleeting Notes app. links-from-obsidian.png 1. Now whenever you type [[ , you will get the same link sugFAQGeneral 1. I have trouble signing in. How do I reset my password? 2. How do I sync Fleeting Notes with Obsidian? 3. Fleeting Notes Obsidian Plugin is not syncing correctly. How do I fix it? 4. How do I export notes and where can I find them? Security 1. How secure is the sync in Fleeting Notes? Payments 1. I've subscribed to FN, how do I cancel my subscripton?🗞 A fresh new UI, a sidebar in the browser extension, and more amazing updates!Everything I work on must either reduce the friction in note-taking or make Fleeting Notes better integrate with your workflow. A new sidebar and a way to sync your Obsidian links to Fleeting Notes.** See the latest updates with what I've been working on and some new features I think you might find cool. It takes time to build a new UI.** Follow my journey with building the new UI for Fleeting Notes with a sneak preview of what it might look like. A boost in revenue from $288 / month to $313 / 🗞 Unsure how to get the most out of Fleeting Notes?Do you feel like your workflow is sluggish? Let's fix that. Curious about how to get the most out of Fleeting Notes?** Checkout my personal workflow on how I use Fleeting Notes with Obsidian. Obsidian link suggestions within Fleeting Notes!** See how you can easily add your links from Obsidian to Fleeting Notes. Why I changed my focus to making you happy**, plus updates on what's been going on behind the marketing and development of this app. Have any questions or concerns? Don't hesitate to h🗞 Hey Siri/Google, record a new note in Fleeting NotesA new way to add notes into Obsidian: Hey Siri/Google, Record New Note.* Now within the Fleeting Notes app, it is possible to record notes *completely hands-free. I have no doubt this will supercharge any workflow! Desktop Support, Append note to same source, Image-to-text** and more. Based on feedback from you, I've been working on new features I know you'll love! A personal update: Thank you for your glowing support.** I'm still pushing hard towards my goal of 1000 active subscribers and I'm 🗞 Introducing the first plugin: An AI Webpage Summarizer for Fleeting NotesTime to work on things people care about! Note: There will be a maintenance June 12th 2023 during 18:00 - 20:00 UTC, syncing service may be degraded during this time. Removing the save button, Better sharing capabilities, better UI workflows** and other quality of life improvements are incoming! An AI Webpage Summarizer** right within the Fleeting Notes browser extension! Using the new plugin slash commands Becoming a manager** and my first steps in hiring + my feelings this week. What's new 🗞 Fleeting Notes - My Content Creation Workflow!Here's the latest edition of my bi-weekly newsletter. Finished more stuff you requested.** I've been tackling more features and bug requests directly from your feedback. Although I'd still love to hear more! My content creation workflow.** How I setup my content creation pipeline which can be useful on how you shape yours. Personal Update:** I've finally come to narrow down the value in Fleeting Notes and with your feedback I will drive the development forward. What's new and what's to come S🗞 The Reason Why I am Doubling My Pricing - Fleeting NotesUpgrade today to lock in the early adopter pricing before I double my pricing. Finished more stuff you requested.** I've been tackling more features and bug requests directly from your feedback. For example: saved searches, restore deleted notes, quick access bar, etc. Take Notes into Obsidian from the web.** Use Fleeting Notes to take notes into Obsidian from the web. Pricing Increase + Personal Update: Upgrade today to keep the grandfathered rate before **September 1st! What's new and what'sFleeting NotesFleeting Notes is a scratchpad for taking quick short-form notes on your phone or while browsing the web. In the context of Obsidian, it solves the problem of taking quick notes within Obsidian. What makes Fleeting Notes different from other short-form note-taking apps is its ability to build connections between notes and sync with Obsidian through an Obsidian plugin.How to copy Obsidian links to Fleeting Notes1. Install the Obsidian plugin (v0.5.2+) Browse Community Plugins 1. Go to the plugin settings and login to the account you setup within Fleeting Notes 1. Scroll to the bottom of the settings page and enable "Sync Obsidian [[links]] to Fleeting Notes" sync-obsidian-links.png 1. Once you've enabled it, in Fleeting Notes you should see a new note titled "Links from Obsidian" within the Fleeting Notes app. links-from-obsidian.png 1. Now whenever you type [[ , you will get the same link sugHow to Sync Obsidian [[links]] into Fleeting Notes1. Install the Obsidian plugin (v0.5.2+) Browse Community Plugins 1. Go to the plugin settings and login to the account you setup within Fleeting Notes 1. Scroll to the bottom of the settings page and enable "Sync Obsidian [[links]] to Fleeting Notes" sync-obsidian-links.png 1. Once you've enabled it, in Fleeting Notes you should see a new note titled "Links from Obsidian" within the Fleeting Notes app. links-from-obsidian.png 1. Now whenever you type [[ , you will get the same link sugAI Webpage Summarizer for ObsidianHave you ever stumbled upon an article while browsing the web and thought, "Man, I wish I could get a summary of this article right into Obsidian!" Well, now you can! With the amazing Fleeting Notes plugin, summarizing web articles and seamlessly integrating them into your notes has never been easier. Here's how it works: simply open the Fleeting Notes browser extension, setup the plugin, then run the plugin command summarize-source (adjustable alias). This command fetches the content of the aThe Best Browser Extension for ObsidianA big pain point some people have with Obsidian is the difficulty in capturing content from the web directly into Obsidian. Although there are solutions like Raindrop, Hypothesis, or any note-taking browser extension, it's often tiresome to integrate these web clippings or highlights directly into your vault. To top it off, these browser extensions don't support one of Obsidian's key feature: building connections between notes Fleeting Notes was built ground up with Obsidian in mind. The app sAn Update to the Best Browser Extension for ObsidianI've done a speal on webclipping in the past, but some feedback has made me realize that simply copying the URL is not webclipping. For Fleeting Notes to truly become a web clipper, it needed a way to capture raw content from the web. Which is why I've added highlights into Fleeting Notes. With this feature, you can now easily capture highlights and the source URL directly into Fleeting Notes. Additionally, I've gotten many requests from people to add a way to keep Fleeting Notes opened persistThe Best Way to take Youtube Notes for ObsidianRight now, taking notes from Youtube (YT) to Obsidian sucks. To take YT notes, I need to manually copy the timestamp of the video, annotate the video with the correct timestamp, and put all of this in Obsidian. If I don't keep track of the timestamp, coming back to the video requires me to sift through the video to find where my note is referencing. I don't like this manual work so I decided to add a better way in Fleeting Notes (FN). When taking Youtube notes in Fleeting Notes, the YT timestamThe Best Web Clipper for ObsidianLet's be real, most web clippers suck. They either give limited functionality for an application or don't provide enough functionality to be anything more than a web clipper. For me, I wanted a quick way to take connected notes from the web and sync it with Obsidian. However, I couldn't find anything that could do that for me. So I created something that did just that. A fully-fledged note-taking app that makes with bi-directional linking that fits nicely into the browser and syncs with ObsidianHow to Extract Text from Images using Fleeting NotesHas there ever been a moment when you looked at an image - perhaps a screenshot or a photo - and wished you could just pluck the text from it, to save or share in your Fleeting Notes? Maybe it was an inspiring quote, a recipe, or a nugget of wisdom you wanted to hold onto. Well, good news for you, because now you can do just that! With our OCR plugin, your Fleeting Notes now has a neat trick up its sleeve: Optical Character Recognition. This means it can see the text in your images and turn it Filter Fleeting Notes synced to ObsidianAs of plugin v0.3.6 of the Fleeting Notes app: When syncing Fleeting Notes to Obsidian, it's often desirable to only sync certain Fleeting Notes. Everyone has their own workflow and we thought it'd be best to be as accommodating as possible. So, we came up with a solution to allow users to filter Fleeting Notes that are synced into Obsidian based on the text in the note. To enable this feature, go into the Fleeting Notes settings and find the setting to "Notes filter text". Add whatever notes Fleeting Notes: Google Keep with Backlinks and Easy Sync to ObsidianIf you're a fan of Google Keep, you know how useful it can be for capturing quick notes and ideas on the go. But what if you could take the convenience of Google Keep and combine it with the powerful organization and structure of Obsidian? That's where Fleeting Notes comes in. What is Fleeting Notes? I created Fleeting Notes as a note-taking app that is similar to Google Keep in many ways. It allows me to quickly jot down ideas, thoughts, and to-dos in a fast and effortless manner, and it's acHow to Use Global Shortcut Keys to Take Quick Notes into Obsidian with Fleeting Notes AppToday, I want to talk to you about how to use global shortcut keys to quickly take notes into Obsidian through the Fleeting Notes app, as well as how to set it up for yourself. As someone who takes a lot of notes, I know how time-consuming it can be to switch back and forth between apps or programs to jot down my thoughts. First, you need to install the Fleeting Notes app extension. Once you have it installed, you can easily set up your own shortcut keys. Here's how you can do that: 1. Click How to Record Notes into Obsidian Completely HAND-FREE (Android/iOS)I often have great ideas strike me at the most inconvenient times, like when I'm driving or cooking and my hands are full. In the past, I used to let those ideas pass or quickly jot them down in my notes app, only to forget to transfer them to my Obsidian later on. But now, thanks to Fleeting Notes - an app I actually created myself - I can capture my ideas completely hands-free and sync them directly to my Obsidian vault. Now here's how to set it up on Android: (video) 1. Download the FleetiA Home Widget (iOS / Android) for Fleeting NotesLet me get this straight, I love link-based note-taking apps, the features, the plugins, and the community. Everything is fantastic, except for the speed of taking notes. For this reason, many people use other apps for quick capture (e.g. Apple Notes, Google Keep). These apps solve the problem of quick capture, but, don't integrate well with Obsidian (I use Obsidian personally). Since I'm not up for manually transferring notes from a quick capture app to Obsidian, I decided to create an alternaHow I take Fleeting Notes with ObsidianI get a lot of questions asking how I process Fleeting Notes once they land in Obsidian. There are many ways to approach this but here's the best method I found for myself. 1. Setup Obsidian sync with Fleeting Notes 1. Install the Obsidian Dataview plugin 1. Enable the Daily Notes plugin in the Obsidian settings (Also, check out how I use daily notes in Obsidian) 1. Create a template file for the daily notes, and add the path of the file to the Template file location 1. Here's the template I usHow to Create Useful Links with ZettelkastenThe linking feature of Zettelkasten is one of its most defining features, yet, it's the least understood. Linking ideas should be natural for us, but a lifetime of organization with the tree structure has made it difficult to adopt this new form of organization. To make links useful, we'll need to unlearn our old habits. This is an entire paradigm shift, so don't expect it to be easy. Don't group things, connect them The biggest mistake—and one I've made myself—is linking with categories. In oLocal Sync in Fleeting Notes: A Quick and Easy SetupAre you looking for an easy way to back up your notes in Fleeting Notes? Or perhaps you want to use it with other local file managers like Obsidian MD? Local sync is the solution for you! In this short post, we'll walk you through the simple steps to set it up. But before we dive into the instructions, let's quickly go over some of the benefits of using local sync: * It provides an alternative way to back up your notes in Fleeting Notes. * It allows you to use Fleeting Notes with other local fHow to take Fleeting 'programming' Notes in ObsidianWhile programming, I often spend a lot of time searching for things that I already know. Which is why taking programming notes can be so useful. It creates a personalized "cache" of notes. But how do I create meaningful programming notes that I can always go back to? Well stay here to find out! To create programming notes, I always start off with a title. I typically start with "how to" and end with "in {insert relevant language / framework}". This title succinctly explains the solution to the Imagine Google Keep with Bi-directional Sync to ObsidianTaking quick notes Obsidian isn't great for quick notes. There's additional friction in taking quick notes especially on the mobile app. But, the plugin architecture and backlink support make Obsidian a powerful note-taking tool that's customizable to one's needs. On the other hand, Google Keep is a great note-taking application for jotting quick notes. However, it lacks backlink support and is not nearly as customizable as Obsidian. Each serve it's own purpose, but there's a great opportunitUsing Fleeting Notes for Seamless Web Access to ObsidianJust the other day, after having another insightful conversation with a user of Fleeting Notes, I was struck by a revelation. A lot of you might be familiar with the multiple use cases for Fleeting Notes, but what I've come to appreciate is how instrumental the web access for Fleeting Notes can be. Let me paint a picture for you. Imagine being at work, restricted to using only the official tools and websites. But an idea hits you or you come across some information you want to quickly add to yPut quick notes into Obsidian from anywhereI was browsing the Obsidian Reddit and noticed posts asking about workflows on how to get quick notes from different devices into Obsidian. To list a few: * What do you use to quickly save notes to Obsidian on your Android device? * Quick add note from Android * iOS share sheet for links? * Any additional app for fleeting ideas? The problem with quick notes It seems like Obsidian isn't a great tool for capturing quick notes. In addition, people also seem to be divided on their solution to putQuick Notes that Automatically Sync with ObsidianI've said it before, but taking quick notes is a hassle in Obsidian. Fleeting Notes is one of the first apps to tackle this problem and it's made it easy to take fast and connected short-form notes. Combined with an Obsidian plugin, it quickly has become the go to tool to take quick notes and have them synced with Obsidian. But it doesn't end there. Previously, before v0.3.2 of the plugin, sync only occurred after running the "sync command" or by enabling the "sync on startup". In other words, Sharing Connected Notes - Fleeting Notes x ObsidianConnected notes are powerful. They allow you to expand upon different ideas within its own context and make it easy reuse notes. There exists Obsidian publish but this service is gated by a paywall and is geared towards content creators. Sometimes we want to share a note (+ all the links within the note) without the hassle of setting up a website or paying a monthly fee. Some example use cases include: * explaining a concept to a friend * sharing notes for a particular class * showcasing the cHow to Take Annotated Screenshots and Sync Them to ObsidianAre you tired of spending too much time taking notes and organizing them into your knowledge management system? Well, I've got a solution for you! In this blog post, I'm going to walk you through how to take screenshots from your browser, annotate them, and have them automatically sync into Obsidian. First things first, you need to install the Fleeting Notes browser extension. Once you've got that installed, let's get started. Step 1: Take a screenshot. On a Mac, you can do this by pressing CoStreamline Note-Taking with Fleeting Notes and Obsidian Link SuggestionsAs someone who uses Obsidian, I understand how difficult it can be to take quick notes on the go without losing your focus on the task at hand. That's why I created Fleeting Notes, a scratchpad that automatically syncs with your Obsidian vault. Recently, I added a new feature that has proven to be incredibly useful: the ability to sync your Obsidian links with Fleeting Notes. This means that any link suggestions within Fleeting Notes will match the links in your vault, making it easier to conneTransfer Quick Notes to Obsidian on your Phone! (1 Minute)Are you tired of waiting for Obsidian to load? Well wait no longer! Because Fleeting Notes provides a quick and easy way to take quick notes and have them automatically synced to Obsidian. Combined with a multitude of features you know and love from Obsidian, Fleeting Notes will fit perfectly into your workflow. To list a few: * Blazing-fast launch speeds to take note of your fleeting ideas * Autocomplete wikilinks to help build your network of ideas * A link-first UI to make link traversal siThe Totally Unnecessary Way To Write Quick Notes in ObsidianWriting Quick Notes in Obsidian When using Obsidian I know that having more connections is better. So I often take it upon myself to use Obsidian for everything. Thanks to the plugin system provided by Obsidian, it personalizes the way I use Obsidian and allowed me to do many things that would otherwise be impractical (e.g. getting my TODOs from Todoist). But even with this customizability, sometimes Obsidian just isn't the right tool for the job. One example is writing quick notes into Obsidia