How to Build Connections in Obsidian (1 MINUTE)
So you've built a fantastic note-taking workflowSimplest Obsidian Workflow in 1 Minute* When we first open Obsidian, we're overwhelmed with what to do. * How should I take notes? * How do I organize notes? * How do i make a beautiful graph of connections? * This video is the simplest way to get started with Obsidian in 1 minute Steps: 1. Use daily notes. In these daily notes, you will write everything that happens for that day. Whether you're in a meeting, in a class or taking quick notes. 1. Use Headings to help organize the daily note 1. Use Tags to help categorize thes but now you have some questions about connections like:
- Why do I want to connect notes?
- When do I create links or notes?
- How do I title notes?
In the next minute, I'll answer all of these questions and provide a process for creating and connecting notes. This workflow is heavily inspired by the ZettelkastenZettelkastenThis is a unique note organization method that functions in a similar vein to a brain—through the connection of ideas. It is proven to promote learning and isn’t restricted by any hierarchical structure. As a result, note discovery is as simple as “following a train of thought”. Also see the two principles of zettelkasten method.
Why do I want to connect notesconnecting ideas is powerful* encourages you to revisit old ideas and improves learning. * helps you discover new ideas through connections. * allows you to reuse your ideas in a different context. Related: notes/the brain is a network of ideas?
- It allows us to:
- Reuse notes in different context
- Resurface past content which reinforces learning
- To get the most out of these connections, you'll need to create atomicatomic things are self-containedatomic components are specific in content and self-contained. Having these attributes makes it interoperable. notes. In other words, notes that are short and specific to a topic.
Steps for building connections:
- As you write, when specific concepts stand out to you, create a connection for it.
- A good rule to follow is if you think you'll need it in the future, then create the note.
- Once you've identified you want to create that link, first search past links you've created and check if you've already created the link.
- If no links exist, create that link. Then populate the link with details of the concept and create a descriptive and concise title. We want to avoid generic titles like