How to Build Connections in Obsidian (1 MINUTE)

So you've built a fantastic note-taking workflowSimplest Obsidian Workflow in 1 Minute* When we first open Obsidian, we're overwhelmed with what to do. * How should I take notes? * How do I organize notes? * How do i make a beautiful graph of connections? * This video is the simplest way to get started with Obsidian in 1 minute Steps: 1. Use daily notes. In these daily notes, you will write everything that happens for that day. Whether you're in a meeting, in a class or taking quick notes. 1. Use Headings to help organize the daily note 1. Use Tags to help categorize thes but now you have some questions about connections like:

  • Why do I want to connect notes?
  • When do I create links or notes?
  • How do I title notes?

In the next minute, I'll answer all of these questions and provide a process for creating and connecting notes. This workflow is heavily inspired by the ZettelkastenZettelkastenThis is a unique note organization method that functions in a similar vein to a brain—through the connection of ideas. It is proven to promote learning and isn’t restricted by any hierarchical structure. As a result, note discovery is as simple as “following a train of thought”. Also see the two principles of zettelkasten method.

Why do I want to connect notesconnecting ideas is powerful* encourages you to revisit old ideas and improves learning. * helps you discover new ideas through connections. * allows you to reuse your ideas in a different context. Related: notes/the brain is a network of ideas?

  • It allows us to:
    • Reuse notes in different context
    • Resurface past content which reinforces learning
  • To get the most out of these connections, you'll need to create atomicatomic things are self-containedatomic components are specific in content and self-contained. Having these attributes makes it interoperable. notes. In other words, notes that are short and specific to a topic.

Steps for building connections:

  1. As you write, when specific concepts stand out to you, create a connection for it.
    1. A good rule to follow is if you think you'll need it in the future, then create the note.
  2. Once you've identified you want to create that link, first search past links you've created and check if you've already created the link.
  3. If no links exist, create that link. Then populate the link with details of the concept and create a descriptive and concise title. We want to avoid generic titles like school or work.
