
A javascript function used to migrate all existing notes from firebase to supabase.

const migrate_firebase_notes = async (res, batch_size = 1000) => {
  const supabase = createClient(process.env.SUPABASE_URL, process.env.SUPABASE_SERVICE_ROLE_KEY);
  let count = 0;
  let lastDoc;
  while (count === 0 || lastDoc) {
    let ref;
    if (lastDoc) {
      console.log(`Loaded ${batch_size} notes to supabase, total: ${count}, last note_id: ${lastDoc.id}`)
      ref = db
    } else {
      ref = db
    const snapshot = await ref.get()
    lastDoc = snapshot.docs[snapshot.docs.length - 1];
    const supaNotes = snapshot.docs.map((doc) => firebaseNoteToSupabase(doc.id, doc.data()));
    const { error } = await supabase
    if (error) {
      throw new Error('Failed to upsert into supabase')
    count += snapshot.docs.length;
	// timeout used to not spam the servers
    await setTimeout(() => {}, 100);