having more connections is better

With more connectionsconnecting ideas is powerful* encourages you to revisit old ideas and improves learning. * helps you discover new ideas through connections. * allows you to reuse your ideas in a different context. Related: notes/the brain is a network of ideas, it makes it easier to traverse from one idea to another one. It's like comparing roads in a city versus roads in the countryside. That being said, the links need to be usefulTo create useful links, we need to connect, not groupThe focus for creating useful links is on making connections between notes and NOT making groups. Ideas need to be atomic and grouping things doesn't create atomic ideas. When we don't create links atomic links (e.g. [[school]]), there will be many connections with very little meaning, adding clutter..


following a train of thoughtfollowing a train of thought is akin to traversing a network of ideas. One idea can lead to a number of connected ideas, which is why notes/having more connections is betterlinking ideas should be naturalLinking ideas should be natural because we think in connections. One idea leads to another through connections and the stronger the connections we have the more memorable it is.How to Create Useful Links with ZettelkastenThe linking feature of Zettelkasten is one of its most defining features, yet, it's the least understood. Linking ideas should be natural for us, but a lifetime of organization with the tree structure has made it difficult to adopt this new form of organization. To make links useful, we'll need to unlearn our old habits. This is an entire paradigm shift, so don't expect it to be easy. Don't group things, connect them The biggest mistake—and one I've made myself—is linking with categories. In oThe Totally Unnecessary Way To Write Quick Notes in ObsidianWriting Quick Notes in Obsidian When using Obsidian I know that having more connections is better. So I often take it upon myself to use Obsidian for everything. Thanks to the plugin system provided by Obsidian, it personalizes the way I use Obsidian and allowed me to do many things that would otherwise be impractical (e.g. getting my TODOs from Todoist). But even with this customizability, sometimes Obsidian just isn't the right tool for the job. One example is writing quick notes into Obsidia